
  • 论文与专利


    1. 邓斌攸,池志强,潘云峰,苏真伟.家居板件圆形孔位的机器视觉在线检测算法,木材科学与技术,2022.3,第36卷(2),p60-65

    2. 邓斌攸,潘云峰,池志强,苏真伟.基于机器视觉的家居板件尺寸在线检测系统,木材科学与技术,2021.3,第35卷(2),p63-68

    3. 何晓昀,韦平,张林,邓斌攸,潘云峰,苏真伟.基于深度学习的籽棉中异性纤维的检测方法,纺织学报,2018.6,第39卷(6),p131-135 (EI)

    4. 何晓昀,苏真伟,邓斌攸,潘云峰,池志强,一种人工智能检测籽棉中异性纤维的方法,棉纺织技术,2018.7

    5. 韦 平,张 林,刘 翔,王 冬,苏真伟. 一种籽棉中异性纤维的双光源成像检测方法[J]. 纺织学报, 2017, 第38卷(04),p32-38 (EI)

    6. 张林,韦平,伍剑波,刘翔,苏真伟,棉花中异性纤维的LED与线激光双光源成像检测方法,农业工程学报,Vol.32(15),2016.8,p289-293 (EI)

    7. 王冬,尹伯彪,刘翔,苏真伟,棉花中白色异性纤维的线扫描激光成像检测方法,农业工程学报,Vol.31(9),2015.5,p310-314 (EI)

    8. Liu feng,Zhenwei Su, A Laser Imaging Method for Detection of White Contaminants in Cotton, Textile Research Journal,Vol. 84(18), p 1987-1994, November 13, 2014(SCI,IF=1.599)

    9. 刘翔,何相呈,苏真伟,刘锋,王冬,顾其彪,棉花中白色异性纤维的激光成像快速检测方法,农业工程学报,Vol.30(15),2014,p190-196 (EI)

    10. 何相呈,祝钊,苏真伟,陈谋钦,一种基于Arm的钢管焊渣条分叉视觉检测系统,机械, Vol.41(1), 2014,p66-69

    11. 陈谋钦,苏真伟,乔丽,张朝勇,一种融合双光源成像系统的钢轨表面缺陷检测方法,计算机测量与控制,第21卷,第5期,2013,p1181-1185

    12. 张潮勇,苏真伟,乔丽,陈谋钦,一种基于LED和线激光的钢轨表面缺陷检测系统,科学技术与工程,第12卷,第36期,2012,p9877-9880

    13. 刘锋,苏真伟,乔丽.基于线激光截面成像的棉花白色异性纤维检测方法[J].农业机械学报, 44(3):p 215~218,2013 (EI)

    14. 祝钊,苏真伟,夏心怡,活塞包胶组件表面缺陷的机器视觉研究,科学技术与工程,第12卷 第6期,2012,p1671-1815

    15. Heng Wang,Zhenwei Su,Mouqing Chen,Inspection System Based on Multi-sensors for Corrosion of CNG Storage Well Wall,International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications,Vol.6 (12),2012, p 281-288 (EI)

    16. 乔丽,苏真伟,基于激光线结构光的羊毛中白色污杂物检测,毛纺科技,2012.Vol40(3),p6

    17. Hua Caijian, Su Zhenwei, Zhang Yan,Identification of Suspicious Target Image in Machine Vision Inspection,Journal of Computational Information Systems,Vol.8(5),2012,p1027-1035 (EI)

    18. 史晋芳,苏真伟,刘小平等,一种基于预注视机制的选择性成像机器视觉系统,四川大学学报(工程科学版),2012年3月,Vol44(2),p206-209 (EI)

    19. 华才健, 苏真伟, 乔丽, 史晋芳, 基于线激光的棉花中白色异性纤维检测[J]. 农业机械学报, 2012年2月, Vol.43(2): p204-208.(EI)

    20. 王珩,苏真伟,卫攸宁,CNG储气井井壁腐蚀检测系统,四川大学学报(工程科学版), 2011年11月,Vol43(6),p243 (EI)

    21. 龚科,苏真伟,史晋芳,李国辉,卫攸宁,基于ADABOOST的可疑目标区域检测算法,科学技术与工程,2011年3月,第11卷第9期,p2017

    22. 华才健,苏真伟,史晋芳,基于光谱分析的羊毛白色污物检测新方法, 四 川 大 学 学 报 ( 工 程 科 学 版 ), 2011 年 7 月,Vol.43 No.4,p254(EI)

    23. 刘小平,苏真伟,王珩,CNG储气井检测中的水位自适应控制系统,计算机测量与控制,19 (6), 1348-1350, 2011

    24. Jinfang Shi, Zhenwei Su, Guohui Li, Caijian Hua, A New Machine Vision System with Visual Attention Function,Journal of information and computational science,Vol 7, n 14, p 3011-3018, December 2010(EI)

    25. 夏心怡,苏真伟,李国辉,基于形状特征的棉花异性纤维图像分割方法,农机化研究,2010.7,p13-17

    26. 林仙土,苏真伟,李海鹏,张海锭,CNG储气井超声波自动检测系统初探,无损检测, 2010, 32(3):221-224.

    27. 卫攸宁, 苏真伟, 李海鹏, 龚科,压缩天然气储气井内壁缺陷的激光三角检测,计算机测量与控制,. 2010. 1 8( 5),p1001-1004

    28. 殷 鹰, 毛 健, 苏真伟,基于主成分分析法的X射线焊缝缺陷图像增强与分割算法,无损检测,2010年第32卷第9期,p678

    29. 俞东宝,苏真伟,任治,局部阈值和形态学算法在焊缝X射线图像处理中的应用研究,现代焊接2008年第10期总第70期,p16

    30. 马杰,苏真伟,殷国富,关宝清,大型回转件的超声波在线检测,无损检测, 2010,Vol.32(3),p205,

    31. 李海鹏,苏真伟,林先土,张海锭,一种CNG储气井井壁腐蚀的视频检测系统,电子测量技术,2009.10, p85-87

    32. 张海锭,苏真伟,林仙土,李海鹏,CNG储气井井筒腐蚀的漏磁检测探索,中国测试,2010,22(5):23-26

    33. 李国辉,苏真伟,夏心怡,基于不规则成像机器视觉的棉花白色异纤检测算法,农业机械学报,2010,41(5),p164-168(EI)

    34. 李国辉,苏真伟,晏开华,黄明飞,可疑目标区域的机器视觉检测算法,四川大学学报(工程版),2010,42(1):p233-237(EI)

    35. 马杰,苏真伟,殷国富,关宝清,大型回转件的超声波在线检测,无损检测, 2010,Vol。32(3),p205,

    36. 王珩,苏真伟.基于人眼视觉特性的焊缝X射线图像辅助判读系统,无损检测,2009,31(3):p192~194.

    37. 任治,苏真伟,俞东宝.一种焊缝X射线数字图像的缺陷提取算法.无损检测,2009,31(2), p89-91

    38. 苏真伟, 王瑾玮, 黄明飞, 关保清. 不规则成像机器视觉系统探索. 四川大学学报(工程科学版), 2008.11, 40(6), p165-169. Li Qiang, Zhenwei Su, Gong Ke,Algorithm for locating suspicious target regions in machine vision inspection,proccedings of ICNIA & ICCASM,2011.10,Xiamen, China,p2847 (EI)

    39. 王瑾玮, 苏真伟, 高春华. 一种自动识别和去除羊毛污物的机器视觉系统. 毛纺科技, 2008, 240(6), p56-60.

    40. 俞东宝,苏真伟,晏开华,一种新型机器视觉系统及其图像矫正算法探索.激光与红外,2008,38(11), p1173-1176.

    41. 黄明飞,苏真伟,王珩,王瑾玮,基于注视机制的机器视觉检测系统及算法, 皮革科学与工程. 2008年,第6期

    42. 晏开华,苏真伟,黄明飞,支持向量机在零件识别中的应用,电子技术应用,2008, vol(34),p11

    43. 马杰,苏真伟等,一种测定开司米杂色毛的计算机视觉系统,.毛纺科技, (2),p48~51. 2007,

    44. 康宏伟,苏真伟,马杰,焊接缺陷的X射线检测中数字图像的处理算法研究,无损探伤,30(5),p33-37,2006,

    45. Zhenwei Su, Guiyun Tian, Chunhua Gao, A machine vision system for on-line removal of Contaminants in Wool, Mechatronics, Vol.16, Issue 5, p243-247, June 2006 (SCI)

    46. Zhenwei Su, Guofu Yin, Junbi Liao and Chunhua Gao, A Computer Vision System for Inspection of Cashmere Coloured Fibres , International Journal of Sheep and Wool Science, Vol. 53, p37-45, 2005

    47. L. Zhang, A. A. Dehghani-Sanij, Z. Su, T. King, B. Greenwood, Leveslev M. C, Real-time automated visual inspection system for Contaminant Removal from Wool, Real-time Imaging, Vol.11, Issue 4, p257-269, August 2005 (SCI)

    48. L. Zhang, A. A. Dehghani-Sanij, Z. Su, T. King and B. Greenwood, Development of a mechatronic sorting system for removing contaminants from wool, IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, 10 (3): p297-304 JUN 2005 (SCI)

    49. Zhenwei Su and H. Rowlands, A Laser Alignment System for Boat Assembly, Sensor Review, Vol.20, No.3, p206-211, 2000 (SCI)

    50. Zhenwei Su and H.Rowlands, Measurement and Analysis of Leather Frictional Forces, Journal of the Society of Leather Tech. & Chemists, Vol. 84, p117-121, 2000 (SCI)

    51. Zhenwei Su and Daizhong Su, A New Model for Leather Quality Test, Journal of the Society of Leather Tech. & Chemists, Vol. 84, p122-126, 2000(SCI)

    52. Zhenwei Su and Daizhong Su, Analysis of Thermocouple Signal Stability in a Grinding Contact Zone, Engineering Mechanics, p63-69, June, 1999

    53. Zhenwei Su and Daizhong Su, Hybrid System of Expert System and Artificial Neural Networks for Objective Evaluation of Product Sensuous Quality, Engineering Mechanics, p105-112, Feb. 2001

    54. Zhenwei Su, Computer Aided Test of Leather Handle, Leather of China, p23-28, 5/1997

    55. Zhenwei Su, Zhaofei Zhou and Guofu Yin, Assessment of Clothes Handle with BP Neural Networks, The Journal of Chinese Textile University, p18-23, 3/1997

    56. Zhenwei Su, Guofu Yin and Zhaofei Zhou, Objective Evaluation of Leather Handle with Artificial Neural Networks, Journal of the Society of Leather Tech. & Chemists, Vol.80, p106, 1996(SCI)

    57. Zhenwei Su and Sun Shuang, Several Problems in Leather Colour Match with a Computer, Leather Science & Engineering, p21, 4/1996

    58. Zhenwei Su, Computer Aided Test of Leather Physical Properties –an A/D-DESK System, Leather Science & Engineering, p35, 1/1995

    59. Lu Zhu and Zhenwei Su, Design of a Test Meter for Leather Softness and Elasticity, Journal of Chengdu University of Scie. & Tech., Vol.81, p7, 4/1994

    60. Zhenwei Su, Study on Objective Measurement of Leather Softness, Leather Science & Engineering, Vol.3, p15, 12/1993

    61. Zhenwei Su, Study on the Weight Distribution for Quantitative Analysis of Leather Subjective Quality, Leather Science & Engineering, Vol.3, p28, 9/1993

    62. Yongsheng Wu & Zhenwei Su, Analysis of Corrugation Mechanism of a Leather Shaving Machine, The Journal of Chengdu University of Science & Technology, p23, 4/1989.

    63. Zhenwei Su & Yongsheng Wu, Computer Aided Test of Dynamic Parameters of Leather Machinery with Bladed Cylinder, Leather of China, p5, 3/1989


    1. Li Qiang, Zhenwei Su, Gong Ke,Algorithm for locating suspicious target regions in machine vision inspection,proceedings of ICNIA & ICCASM IEEE,2011.10,Xiamen, China,p2847 (EI)

    2. Zhenwei Su, Jinwei Wang,Mingfei Huang,Chuanhua Gao, Maria Petrou, A machine vision system with an irregular imaging function, The 5th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, ISPA 2007 IEEE,p458-463, Sept. 2007(SCI)

    3. Z. Su, A. A. Dehghanij, L. Zhang, T. King and B. Greenwood, A Vision System for Auto-detection and Classification of Cashmere Pigmented Fibres, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Imaging 2003, p32-38, Califonia, USA, Jan. 2003 (has been invited to publish by Journal of Electroncs Imaging) (SCI)

    4. L. Zhang, A. A. Dehghani-Sanij, Z. Su, T. King and B. Greenwood, Identification of White Contaminants and Their Removal from Wool Fibres, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Imaging 2003, p22-31, Califonia, USA, Jan. 2003(SCI)

    5. Z. Su, L. Zhang, A. Dehghani-Sanij, T. King and B. Greenwood, A Machine Vision System for Removal of Contaminants in Wool, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Machine Automation, (“KMA’02”), p131-138, Tampere, Finland, Sept. 2002(SCI)

    6. L. Zhang, Z. Su, A. Dehghani-Sanij T. King and B. Greenwood, Mechatronics and Machine Vision for Removinf Contaminants from Wool, Proceedings of the 8th Mechatronics Forum International Confefernce,p899-908, Enschede, Netherlands, June 2002

    7. H.Rowlands, Zhenwei Su and D. John, A Laser Tracking System for a Hot Moving Ingot, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, p623-625, Antibes-Juanles Pins , France, Sept, 2001(SCI)

    8. Zhenwei Su and H. Rowlands, An Angle Measurement System Based on a Laser Diode for 3D Construction, Proceedings of International Coference on Gearing, Trasmissions and Mechanical Systems, Nottingham, , p533-543, July, 2000.

    9. Zhenwei Su, H. Rowlands and C. Maia, A Laser Alignment System for Small Shipyards, Proceedings of International Conference"WESIC'99", Newport, , p77-83, Sept,1999(SCI)

    10. Zhenwei Su, H. Rowlands and C. Maia, A Computer Aided Test System for Boatbuilding, Proceedings of 5th Annual Chinese Automation Conference in UK, Derby, p108-114, Sept., 1999.

    11. Zhenwei Su and Daizhong Su, An Intelligent ES-NNs System for Objective Evaluation of Leather Handle, 18 th ASME CIE Procedings, (paper number: DETC98/CIE-5557), 1998

    12. Zhenwei Su and Daizhong Su, A Computer Software with AI Features for Experimental Data Acquisition and Analysis, International Conference on Mechanics in Design, Nottingham, p751-760, July 1998

    13. Daizhong Su and Zhenwei Su, Design of a Cam Test Rig and Associated Analysis Software, International Conference on Mechanics in Design, Nottingham, p120-128, July 1998

    14. Zhenwei Su, Study on the Test Methods of Leather Softness, Proceedings of the Second Asia International Conference in Leather Scie. & Tech., Chengdu, P. R. China, p436, 10/1994

    15. Zhenwei Su, Computer Aided Selection and Ranging of Leather in Leather Goods Making, Proceedings of 94' Conference on New Techniques of Leather, Chengdu, P.R.China, p28, 10/1994

    16. Zhenwei Su, Fuzzy Weight Distribution of Quantitative Assessment of Leather Handle, Proceedings of the Second Asia International Conference in Leather Scie. & Tech., Chengdu, P. R. China, , p450, 10/1994

    17. Zhenwei Su, Study on Computerised Measuring Method of the Shrinkage Temperature of Leather Samples, Proceedings of the First International Conference in Leather Science & Technology, Chengdu, P. R. China, p356, 9/1992


    1 压铸模具高精度孔位的加工方法,ZL201310590047.3,发明专利,苏真伟、莫玉梅

    2 用于检测圆柱体工件表面缺陷的机器视觉装置及检测方法,ZL201610894001.4,发明专利,郭锐、苏真伟、邓斌攸、何晓昀、农旭安

    3 用于检测圆柱形工件表面缺陷的成像装置及成像方法,ZL201610893744.X,发明专利,邓斌攸、苏真伟、郭锐、何晓昀、农旭安

    4 滚珠丝杠螺母副及预紧方法,ZL201610943666.x,发明专利,刘青正、方辉、谢志豪、董秀丽、袁泽林、张文君、苏真伟、李方前

    5 一种测量家居板(含孔、槽)几何尺寸的机器视觉装置,ZL201810533973.X,发明专利,苏真伟,张挺,张湘伟,庄宏金

    6 一种测量孔、槽的位置与几何尺寸的机器视觉系统,ZL201710615803.1,发明专利,苏真伟、张湘伟

    7 一种检测家居板表面缺陷的机器视觉装置,ZL201810619598.0,发明专利,苏真伟,张湘伟

    8 瓷砖检测系统,ZL201810318320.X,发明专利,陈丹,潘云峰,池志强,邓斌攸,何晓昀,苏真伟

    9 板材检测系统,ZL201810318318.2,发明专利,苏真伟,张湘伟,陈丹,潘云峰,池志强,邓斌攸,何晓昀

    10 皮革检测系统,ZL201810318326.7,发明专利,苏真伟,张湘伟,陈丹,潘云峰,池志强,邓斌攸,何晓昀

    11 板材检测系统,ZL201810318279.6,发明专利,苏真伟、张湘伟、陈丹潘云峰、池志强、邓斌攸、何晓昀

    12 板件位移在线检测装置及传送系统,ZL201910422854.1,发明专利,苏真伟,张湘伟

    13 一种基于机器视觉的籽棉污杂物的分拣系统,ZL201620620929.9,实用新型专利,苏真伟、邓斌攸、郭锐

    14 用于检测圆柱体工件表面缺陷的机器视觉装置,ZL201621120218.1,实用新型专利,郭锐、苏真伟、邓斌攸、何晓昀、农旭安

    15 用于检测圆柱形工件表面缺陷的成像装置,ZL201621120108.5,实用新型专利, 邓斌攸、苏真伟、郭锐、何晓昀、农旭安

    16 滚珠丝杠螺母副,ZL201621168104.4,实用新型专利, 刘青正、方辉、谢志豪、董秀丽、袁泽林、张文君、苏真伟、李方前

    17 可调式刀架,ZL201621168105.9,实用新型专利,刘青正、方辉、袁泽林、谢志豪、张文君、董秀丽、苏真伟、李方前

    18 一种检测皮棉中异性纤维的二次成像装置,ZL201620620933.5,实用新型专利, 苏真伟、郭锐、邓斌攸

    19 一种测量孔、槽的位置与几何尺寸的机器视觉系统, ZL201710615803.1, 实用新型专利,苏真伟、张湘伟

    20 一种测量家居板(含孔、槽)几何尺寸的机器视觉装置,ZL201820819465.3,实用新型专利,苏真伟,张挺,张湘伟,庄宏金

    21 一种测量孔、槽的位置与几何尺寸的机器视觉系统, ZL201720911507.1, 实用新型专利,苏真伟、张湘伟

    22 一种检测家居板表面缺陷的机器视觉装置,ZL201820917233.1,实用新型专利,苏真伟,张湘伟

    23 一种无色差打光方式的棋盘格标定装置,ZL201720644600.0,实用新型专利,刘瑾,苏伟真,胡鹏,罗景扬,邓蔼琳

    24 板材检测装置,ZL201820521778.0,实用新型专利,陈丹,潘云峰,池志强,邓斌攸,何晓昀,苏真伟

    25 基于CIS的瓷砖检测系统,ZL201820521777.6,实用新型专利,苏真伟,张湘伟,陈丹,潘云峰,池志强,邓斌攸,何晓昀

    26 板材检测系统,ZL201820513515.5,实用新型专利,苏真伟,张湘伟,陈丹,潘云峰,池志强,邓斌攸,何晓昀

    27 皮革检测系统,ZL201820521776.1,实用新型专利,苏真伟、张湘伟、陈丹、潘云峰、池志强、邓斌攸、何晓昀

    28 板件位移在线监测装置及传送系统, ZL201920729285.0, 实用新型专利,苏真伟,张湘伟

    29 一种在线检测瓷砖表面缺陷的设备,ZL202120661563.0,实用新型专利,苏真伟,张湘伟,潘云峰,邓斌攸,池志强